Impact Report 2024

Looking ahead

Looking ahead

We strive to leverage synergies, provide affordable treatments, identify projects to de-risk innovation, build partnerships with public/NGOs, fund transformative investments and offer operational support through Sanofi internal experts.

We will continue to measure our efforts, identify best practices to build sustainable health models and share those learnings with the global health community.

We are committed to increasing accessibility through registration of NCD treatment where there is no availability today, with a target to reach two million patients with treatments by 2030.

We must work hard at identifying key allies to help create multisectoral partnerships to build sustainable healthcare delivery models in LMICs and continue connecting with local governments to bridge medical gaps.

We commit to finding opportunities that expand our framework for new investments through the Impact Fund and ensure that the right resources are made available.

Even in the most challenging environments, it is possible to make progress on improving health access and outcomes. Myanmar is now reckoning with political instability, an economic crisis, and human resource constraints. And yet, patients we meet every day are committed to achieving better health, and healthcare providers are determined to help. With the right support including the kind that Sanofi is providing we don’t have to turn back the clock on critical health goals.

Matthew Guilford the funder and CEO of Common Health

PharmAccess patient support group meeting.

Although our ambition is high, we remain humble in our learnings and convinced that systemic sector gaps prevent impact and require collective engagement from all ecosystem actors with multiple interventions to strive for systemic change. This measured journey leads us to “sustainable patients” individuals empowered with knowledge and resources to care for themselves and their families.

Jon Fairest
Head of Global Health Unit